New York
New York
One Whitehall St., 2nd floor 10004
(212) 299-9000
Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program is fully funded by the US Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. YES provides scholarships for high school students (15-17 years) from countries with significant Muslim populations. The Program lasts for 1 academic year.
Students live with host families, attend high school, engage in activities to learn about American society and values, acquire leadership skills, and help educate Americans about their countries and cultures. The program can support students with disabilities and encourages their participation.
The Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau of the U.S. Department of State, along with the US exchange community, recognized the importance of youth exchange as a key component of renewed commitment to building bridges between citizens of the U.S. and countries around the world, particularly those with significant Muslim populations.
Countries-participants: Afghanistan, Albania, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brunei, Bulgaria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gaza, Ghana, Kosovo, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel (Arab Community), Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Suriname, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, West Bank, and Yemen.